Posts in Decorating
Easy to Implement Interior Design Styles for Small Apartments

Living in a small apartment doesn't mean you have to sacrifice style and comfort.

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Crafting with Cricut

I love to craft. One of my favorite past times is getting together with my daughter, Donna, and crafting.

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What Size Should My Artwork Be?

Art adds personality and style to your space. While selecting art is a personal decision, there are some rules about purchasing the right size.

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Working From Home

Working from home has been a dream come true for me. Who knew that when I opened my Etsy store over 10 years ago, it would become a full-time job!

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My 50 Best Decorating Tips

Decorating your home can be a fun process but for those who find design challenging it can also be a bit overwhelming.

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Turn Your Backyard into a Vacation Spot

Why spend a fortune every year on theme parks, camping trips, and too-short vacations when you can have your fun and relaxation every day in your own backyard?

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Decorating A Nursery

Decorating a baby’s room can be a lot of fun. Just ask any expectant mother.

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Common Decorating Mistakes Part 2

Does your home express your personality the way that you would like it to?

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Common Decorating Mistakes Part I

Decorating is a way to showcase your personality as well as the personalities of those who live in your home.

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Casual Interior Decorating Style

What is casual interior design? When I think of casual design, I think of buzz words like comfy, cozy, and inviting. You may have heard terms like Modern Casual and California Casual.

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Formal Decorating Style

What is formal interior design? If you prefer a more elegant, traditional look, chances are your style might be formal.

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Your Decorating Personality

Did you know that your home can reveal a lot about you? Your home reflects your personality, just like your clothing does.

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Moving In Together: Budget-Friendly Decorating Tips Follow
Decorating Your Home with Canvas Art Follow
Converting Your Garage into a Home Office Follow