Twelve Inspirational Quotes for the New Year

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Welcome 2018!

As a new year approaches many are making resolutions. Did you know that 88% of New Year's resolutions fail? So instead of sharing New Year's resolutions, I thought I would share 12 New Year's quotes that will bring you inspiration for a new year.

"With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts." Eleanor Roosevelt

"Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right." ~ Oprah Winfrey


"The future belongs to those 

who believe in the 

beauty of their dreams."

Eleanor Roosevelt

"Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


"The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time."

Abraham Lincoln

"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." ~ C.S. Lewis

"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.”

Albert Einstein

“We all get the exact same 365 days. The only difference is what we do with them.” ~ Hillary DePiano


"There are far better things ahead than we leave behind."

C.S. Lewis

"The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

I love this one:

"A year from now, you're gonna weigh more or less than what you do right now." ~ Phil McGraw

Do you  have a favorite quote?

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Until next time,

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