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Quotes about Babies

With the birth of my new grandchild just around the corner, I thought I would dedicate today's blog to all you new moms out there.  Here are some beautiful quotes about babies.

"A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on."
Carl Sandburg

Susan Newberry Designs

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for."
Author Unknown

"A new baby is like the beginning of all things-wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities."
Eda J. Le Shan

Susan Newberry Designs

"There's really nothing quite so sweet as tiny little baby feet."
Author Unknown

“Babies are such a nice way to start people.”  
Don Herold

"A baby is born with a need to be loved and never outgrows it."
Frank A Clark

“Babies are always more trouble than you thought - and more wonderful.”
Charles Osgood

Susan Newberry Designs

"Read me a story, tuck me in tight, say a sweet prayer and kiss me goodnight"
Author Unknown

“No one else will ever know the strength of my love for you. After all, you’re the only one who knows the sound of my heart from the inside.”  
Kristen Proby

Susan Newberry Designs

"First we had each other then we had  you, now we have everything."
Author Unknown

Susan Newberry Designs
Children Learn What They Live
If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn.
If children live with hostility, they learn to fight.
If children live with ridicule, they learn to be shy.
If children live with shame, they learn to feel guilty.
If children live with tolerance, they learn to be patient.
If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence.
If children live with praise, they learn to appreciate.
If children live with fairness, they learn justice.
If children live with security, they learn to have faith.
If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves.
If children live with acceptance and friendship, they learn to find love in the world.
Dorothy Law Nolte

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Until next time,