Pink October

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Breast Cancer Awareness has taken on a special meaning to me. Last year about this time, my youngest daughter was diagonosed with Metastatic Breast Cancer.

For those that don’t know, Metastatic Breast Cancer is cancer that starts in the breasts and spreads to another part of the body. For her, it has spread to her bones. And that is despite having yearly mammograms. October 13 is nationally recognized in the United States as Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day. About 30% of early-stage breast cancers eventually metastasize, and the date October 13th is intended to drive awareness of the need for more research about metastatic disease. 

So ladies, do everything you can to beat this awful disease. Breast Cancer Awareness Month is an annual campaign to increase awareness of the disease. Breast cancer is no longer a death sentence; however, every woman should be aware of what breast cancer is and what the risks are of getting the disease. Women should also know how to detect early signs and symptoms of the disease. Here are just a few statistics from

  • About 1 in 8 women will develop invasive breast cancer in their lifetime (and 1 in 833 men).

  • Besides skin cancer, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among American women.

  • About 9 percent of all new breast cancer cases are diagnosed in women 45 and under.

  • Breast cancer is more common in African-American women under 45 than white women.

  • A woman's risk for breast cancer doubles if she has a mother, sister, or daughter who has been diagnosed with breast cancer.

  • Breast cancer incidence rates in the U.S. have decreased since 2000. in fact, since 1990 cancer death rates have fallen by 15%.

So how do you lower your risk of breast cancer?

  • Eat a healthy diet.

  • Don't smoke.

  • Limit the amount of alcohol you drink.

  • Do regular self-exams.

  • Have regular mammograms.

For more information on breast cancer, check out National Breast Cancer Association’s website to find out more about what you can do and how you can help.

In addition, check out this complete list of resources from Website Planet.

For additional resources check out this article in MysticMag for a compilation or resources tailor-made to assist cancer survivors in their journey toward recovery and healing.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month can be an emotional time for many women. Learn all you can to fight this dreadful disease. Know your risk factors, get screened, make healthlthy lifestyle choices and take action.

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If yu are looking for something special for a friend who is undergoing breast cancer treatment at the moment, or who is a survivor, check out my cancer awareness gifts. Here is a sampling.

Thanks for stopping by…

Have a great week.

Until next time,