My Top Ten Organization Tips

Free printable "to do list"

Free To Do Printable Below

Did you know that January is National Get Organized Month? Read on for my top ten organization tips for 2025! After the holidays, many people focus on getting organized. For me, November and December are busy months for my business, so things slow down a bit in January. This makes it an excellent time to reevaluate, declutter, and reorganize. If you’re not sure where to start, here are my top ten organization tips!

girl writing to do list with laptop

1.Write it Down!

Make it a habit to write things down. Create daily and weekly lists of what you want to accomplish, and cross off items as you complete them. There’s nothing more satisfying than crossing off tasks! Daily, weekly, and monthly planners are very popular right now. You can find planners available for purchase and download on Etsy and other similar marketplaces.

To help you get started, I have created a free printable for you entitled “To do list.” Just download and print.

2. Prioritize your tasks. Determine what is most important and avoid getting stuck on trivial items. If they do not get completed, will it truly matter? 

3. Have you heard of the Touch It Once Principle? This principle states that you should take action immediately instead of delaying tasks that can be completed today. In other words, when you pick something up, handle it right away. This approach helps you become more productive and efficient, eliminating the need to let tasks pile up for later.

4. At the end of the day, make sure to clean up. It doesn't take long to put things away. I've already made it a habit to tidy up after crafting, but I haven't been as diligent when it comes to my work. Sometimes my desk ends up being quite messy, and then I have to deal with it in the morning. Remember: "A place for everything, and everything in its place."

5. Switch to paperless billing by having your bills emailed to you. Use a bill payer service to pay your bills electronically, eliminating the need to print anything. You will receive a digital receipt instead. Consider how many trees you can save!

6. Practice decluttering. Go through your closet and remove items you haven't worn in a year. Donate or sell them. If it doesn't bring you joy, let it go.

7. Make your bed in the morning.

You’ll feel better throughout the day! By accomplishing something small each morning, you are setting yourself up for further success.

8. Check your mail as it arrives. Organize important items and discard or shred junk mail. Refer to #4 – handle it once. Why allow it to accumulate? 

9. Encourage your family to adopt your positive habits! While everyone may have different standards, you can simplify the process by following these three steps: 1. Lead by example, 2. Turn it into a game, and 3. Engage everyone in the process.

woman with pet at park

Last but not least!

10. Prioritize time for yourself, especially when working from home. Remember to relax, take walks, play with your kids, or enjoy your dog if you have one.

What do you plan to do this January to keep organized? I’d love to hear your suggestions!

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Susan Newberry

Hi, I’m Susan! I’ve spent the last 10 years building my online company. I’ve always loved everything to do with design. In fact, after raising my kids, I decided to go to school and get my degree in Interior Design. While running my own interior design company, I started teaching and found that teaching was what I really loved. Combine that with Interior Design and well, you could say I was on cloud nine. I always loved the technical side of design which led me to graphic design and after studying graphic design, I was encouraged to open an Etsy shop to sell some of my creations. With my attention to detail and being somewhat of a perfectionist, graphic design made perfect sense. In December of 2018, I decided to retire from teaching and devote myself full time to my business and I haven’t looked back since! I love designing art for the home and would love to create something special for you.

It’s true what they say, “Love what you do, and you will never work a day in your life.”

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