Turning Life Transitions into Opportunities for Growth
Guest Article by Tina Martin
Image via Pexels
Humans are creatures of habit that can become unsettled when facing a dramatic change — even a positive one. However, the passage into another phase of life can present the prospect of bettering yourself by replacing unproductive tendencies and habits with valuable customs and practices. These tips can enable you to grow as you deal with major life transitions.
Smiling and Laughing a Little More
An easygoing smile can do much for your attitude and health. Studies indicate that smiling stimulates the brain, encouraging happiness, fostering stronger social bonds, and leading to a longer life. Don't force yourself to be a "Pollyanna," but plan to savor one relaxing or humorous moment each day.
Journaling To Fight Negative Feelings
As a life transition becomes your norm, it's easy to fall back into a rut and become depressed over circumstances not being all you imagined. This is especially true with a joyous change like the birth of a child. Many people do not realize that many new parents experience struggles with postpartum depression and self-doubt.
A diary or journal to isolate and identify your feelings provides a way not to feel so lost and can help you express yourself more clearly to friends and supporters. A few minutes of writing or drawing your deepest feelings and thoughts is a safe and healthy outlet.
Decorating Your Home
Your home decoration provides subliminal cues that inspire you to achieve your goals or trap you in endless cycles of monotony. Don't hold on to items that no longer serve you and only create clutter. As you enter a new stage, acquire tasteful decorations that focus and motivate you, such as a piece of inspirational art from Susan Newberry Designs.
Visualizing Goals Daily
Starting the day without thoughtful consideration can be as damaging mentally as poor breakfast habits are physically. If you tend to begin your day by reading emails or doom-scrolling the news, change the pattern by spending your first five to 10 minutes in a meditative state or reading a devotional. Use your conclusions to put a positive focus on the day with the aim of practicing one uplifting quality.
Waking Up Early
Having objectives that fit your life's purpose can motivate you to jump out of bed ready to face the day. Staying trapped in a stressful, dead-end job is demoralizing. If you can't find employment with a company that aligns with your values, become your own boss by starting a business.
You don't have to spend tons of money marketing your company, such as hiring a designer for your logo. Online logo makers are an inexpensive tool for designing a unique and attractive insignia for your branding materials. The program allows you to select designs that fit your style, then provides you with numerous options — it’s essentially logo design made easy. From there, insert any text you'll need. Once you decide on an emblem, you can modify the color and font to your taste.
Arranging Your Finances
Big changes can mean big expenses, so an adjustment is often a time to review your budget and assess your financial health. Instead of spending on a whim or ignoring a shaky credit profile, find a budgeting app that helps you control your finances. Some apps provide access to counseling for a reasonable fee and help you track your spending. You could even begin investing through an app to create passive income.
Personal improvement is the direct result of intentional practice and seized opportunities. The next time you encounter a significant life adjustment, apply these suggestions to make the journey a launching pad for maximum growth.
About the Author
Tina Martin stays busy as a life coach and works hard to help herself and her clients achieve a healthy work-life balance. She started Ideaspired as a side project to reach as many people as possible, and encourage them to put their dreams first.
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