Knit One, Purl Two


"When life starts to unravel, get your knitting sticks out and stitch it up."

Knitting is the best therapy!!!  A few years ago I was introduced (or maybe reintroduced) to knitting and a few months ago I was reintroduced to crocheting.  As a teen, many, many years ago, I used to crochet.  At the time, everyone was wearing what I think we called granny shawls.  I don't remember the stitch used but it was a simple crochet pattern and when you were done you had a nice triangle shawl.  I'm pretty sure that I knitted as well but I just can't remember exactly what I knitted - isn't getting old fun! Anyway, I started knitting a couple of years ago and knitted scarves for my daughters, sister, grandkids, well you get the idea.  I knitted the very popular infinity scarf, fingerless gloves and lots and lots of scarves. I was so hooked (no pun intended) on knitting, that I knit everywhere - watching TV, in the car, even on the beach.  Then I put it down... I had been eyeing a beautiful throw on Etsy, which was crochet.  When I was  knitting my scarves, I did manage to crochet one using a simple chain stitch - but I've never worn it.  Well back to the throw, I wasn't about to put out almost $200 for a throw, when I could possibly make it myself.  Of course, there was no pattern but thanks to my dear mother-in-law, who is a beautiful crocheter (not sure that is a word), she got me started. Here is one of the throws that I crocheted (the other is just like it and in my grandson's room)... IMG_4373 I'm currently working on a throw for my granddaughter.  Here is what it looks like so far. FullSizeRender The pattern you ask? Well it's super simple - K4, P4.  I cast on a total of 108 stitches.  I actually found the pattern here.  Lynne's instructions are excellent and very easy to follow.  I used a much smaller needle (US13 circular) than Lynne recommended because that is what I had. I'm not sure how it is going to come out but I will definitely show you when it's finished.  I already  know that for my next one (yes there will be another ), I will definitely use larger needles. In fact, they are already ordered (from Etsy of course). Thanks for stopping by... Until next time, Susan