Kitchen Reno - The fun has begun!

The demolition has begun!  The new cabinets are being installed tomorrow and we can't wait.  It was quite a job to empty all the cabinets.  Even though my daughter's kitchen is not large, she had managed to collect quite a bit over the years.  We took the opportunity to get rid of things she wasn't using and made several trips to Goodwill.  In retrospect, a yard sale might have been a good idea, but who has time!

My son-in-law Alex did the demolition.  Here are some pictures.

Remember here is the before...

The fun begins...

I even helped a little...


What to do with all those cabinets?  We decided to repurpose two of them for the laundry room.  That is our next reno project!  We put the rest on the curb.

I put an add on Craigslist for Free Cabinets and within 2 hours they were gone!  I had so much interest, it was incredible.  Within about two minutes the cabinets were loaded and on their way to a new home.

I even sold the white range on Sunday.  The only thing left to sell is the microwave. 

The install will take 1 - 2 days and then the granite people come in to measure.  I'll keep you posted.

Thanks for stopping by.

Until next time...