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The bedroom is a place of relaxation so your artwork should reflect that. The artwork you choose can set the mood for your room. Your bed is the focal point of the room so start there. I often get asked what size is best. Well, one of the biggest mistakes people make is to hang artwork that is too small. A queen bed is 60” wide and a king is 76” so keep that in mind when selecting artwork. You can also create groupings but don’t overdo it. Remember less is more.

Susan Newberry Designs

Susan Newberry Designs

Hang art at the correct height. Pictures should be hung at eye level. Hanging pictures too high is a mistake that many people make. A good rule of thumb is to hang the picture 5” - 9” above the headboard.

Susan Newberry Designs

Susan Newberry Designs

If you don’t have a headboard, don’t be afraid to go large.

Instead of one large item, don’t be afraid to hang two or three items above the bed.

SND Printables

SND Printables

SND Printables

SND Printables

Still need help? I created a few guides for my customers to help them in determining the correct size of their artwork. These bed sizes are standard and if you have a headboard keep in mind the overall measurement. Hope these illustrations will help you too.


Hope that helps! For more inspiration, check out an older blog post - How to Hang Artwork.

I hope I’ve inspired you today. I’d love to see what you have hanging on your walls.

Thanks for stopping by.

Until next time…

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Susan Newberry

Hi, I’m Susan! I’ve spent the last 10 years building my online company. I’ve always loved everything to do with design. In fact, after raising my kids, I decided to go to school and get my degree in Interior Design. While running my own interior design company, I started teaching and found that teaching was what I really loved. Combine that with Interior Design and well, you could say I was on cloud nine. I always loved the technical side of design which led me to graphic design and after studying graphic design, I was encouraged to open an Etsy shop to sell some of my creations. With my attention to detail and being somewhat of a perfectionist, graphic design made perfect sense. In December of 2018, I decided to retire from teaching and devote myself full time to my business and I haven’t looked back since! I love designing art for the home and would love to create something special for you.

It’s true what they say, “Love what you do, and you will never work a day in your life.”

Print or Canvas: How to Choose (Part One)


Keep Calm and Wash Your Hands