I've Outgrown My Home Office

"My bedroom is my sanctuary. It's like a refuge, and it's where I do a fair amount of designing - at least conceptually, if not literally." ~Vera Wang

Empty room with brick wall 3D rendering

Well I have finally outgrown my home office. Since opening my Etsy store in 2012, my office has been in my bedroom. It has been wonderful to have a bedroom that is big enough to house my office but I am quickly outgrowing it, which is a good thing.  Now that my daughter works with  me, there are two desks in my bedroom, two computers, and three printers.  There are days that I don't leave my bedroom except to use the bathroom and to eat.  Not good! Most experts agree that the bedroom should be a place of rest, retreat, and rejuvenation. That's a little hard to do when you have your office in there and your desk is covered in work. No wonder I have sleep issues!

Well I'm moving...No I'm not moving out of the house, just out of the bedroom.  My office will now be downstairs in what originally was the dining room and then became a playroom.  Since the kids do most of their playing in their rooms, my daughter and son-in-law are graciously letting me take over that space.  My daughter, Alison and I will each have our own desk and there will be a desk for the printers.  I'm hoping that the move will make us more efficient and help me find a better balance between work and personal life. In other words, I'm hoping I will quit working 12+ hours a day/7 days a week!

Like Vera Wang, I will always be designing in my bedroom, but now it will be in my head.

Soon I will reveal the new office space, along with before and after pictures. Stay tuned!

Thanks for stopping by...

Until next time,




Susan Newberry

Hi, I’m Susan! I’ve spent the last 10 years building my online company. I’ve always loved everything to do with design. In fact, after raising my kids, I decided to go to school and get my degree in Interior Design. While running my own interior design company, I started teaching and found that teaching was what I really loved. Combine that with Interior Design and well, you could say I was on cloud nine. I always loved the technical side of design which led me to graphic design and after studying graphic design, I was encouraged to open an Etsy shop to sell some of my creations. With my attention to detail and being somewhat of a perfectionist, graphic design made perfect sense. In December of 2018, I decided to retire from teaching and devote myself full time to my business and I haven’t looked back since! I love designing art for the home and would love to create something special for you.

It’s true what they say, “Love what you do, and you will never work a day in your life.”


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