Friday Finds - All About Coffee


Happy Friday! Today's Friday Finds is all about coffee. Coffee - gotta love it. Coffee is the best way to start the day. I've put together some of my favorite coffee finds. But first did you know...

1. Coffee dates back to the 9th Century when Ethiopian shepherds discovered the effect caffeine had on their goats.

2. New Yorkers drink almost 7 times more coffee than anyone else in the U.S. and Americans are the world's leading coffee consumers.

3. Hawaii is the only state in the U.S. that commercially grows coffee. The majority of coffee is produced in Brazil.

4. The first coffee house opened in 1475 in Constantinople (now Istanbul).Starbucks opened in Seattle in 1971.

5. 2.25 billion cups of coffee are consumed each day worldwide.

6. It is estimated that 4 out of 5 Americans start their day with coffee.

7. Coffee is the second most popular beverage on earth. The first is water.

8. Three cultures banned coffee at one time - Mecca in 1511, Frederick the Great of Germany in 1677, and Charles the II in Europe. 

Have you had your morning cup yet?

Time for another cup of coffee! Thanks for stopping by...

Until next time,

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