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DIY Project - Upcycling An Old Robe

Let's keep textiles out of our landfills!  Did you know that approximately 93% of all textile waste diverted to recycling is successfully reclaimed, yet 85% goes directly to landfills. (Eartheasy) What do you do when your clothes are too big for you or you grow tired of them?  Well you can donate them or sell them or you can repurpose them.   My daughter had a robe that was didn't work for her so I decided to repurpose it.  I made a baby blanket and two pillows from the robe.  Here is the robe - it's a beautiful pink chenille.

From the robe, I made a baby blanket and two pillows. Here are the finished items:

I kept the pocket on one of the pillows for my granddaughter's bed.  It can hold toys or even a cell phone.  What kid wouldn't love this?

So next time,  you are tempted to throw something out because you don't want it or it doesn't fit, think about what you can make from it.  The earth will thank you!

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Until next time,