DIY Decorating - My Addiction to Paint

Ever since I was a little girl, I loved to paint.  When I was young, my dad used to take my sister and me "sketching."  We'd go to parks and the lake and just sketch.  I remember going to sketch an old barn more than once.  When I was a teenager I was obsessed with drawing faces.  I remember getting the latest issue of Tiger Beat and I would draw all the current heartthrobs.  Then when I was older and became a mom, I painted murals in my kid's rooms and then later for my grandkids.

About 20 years ago or so, I began faux finishing.  I painted everything including walls, floor cloths, cabinets, and furniture.  Even the toilet couldn't escape my brush.  If it didn't move, I would paint it! 

Here are some of the projects that I have done over the years. 

2006 Livable Lifetime Showhouse
Priceless Performers Dance Studio
Priceless Performers Dance Studio

I hope you enjoyed seeing some of my projects.  I know I sure enjoyed putting them together.  For the past few weeks I've been experimenting with one of the newest paints - Chalk Paint.  I'll have more on that in a later blog. :)

Thanks for stopping by...

Until next time,

Susan Newberry

Hi, I’m Susan! I’ve spent the last 10 years building my online company. I’ve always loved everything to do with design. In fact, after raising my kids, I decided to go to school and get my degree in Interior Design. While running my own interior design company, I started teaching and found that teaching was what I really loved. Combine that with Interior Design and well, you could say I was on cloud nine. I always loved the technical side of design which led me to graphic design and after studying graphic design, I was encouraged to open an Etsy shop to sell some of my creations. With my attention to detail and being somewhat of a perfectionist, graphic design made perfect sense. In December of 2018, I decided to retire from teaching and devote myself full time to my business and I haven’t looked back since! I love designing art for the home and would love to create something special for you.

It’s true what they say, “Love what you do, and you will never work a day in your life.”

DIY Window Treatments - How to Sew Inverted Pleated Drapery from Dropcloths


A Lesson in Window Treatments Part Two